
Cellulose: A Plant Cell Biology Game

Created by Genius Games

Preorder Cellulose: A Plant Cell Biology Game Cellulose is a worker placement game that puts 1-5 players inside a plant cell, where they will compete over limited resources in order to undergo photosynthesis, produce carbohydrates, and build the cell wall to score points. With everyone vying for the same actions, players must time their use of proteins, hormones, and cell component cards in order to diversify their strategies and outplay the competition!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

CE Numbering Sent, and First in Flight Live on Kickstarter!
over 2 years ago – Thu, Jun 09, 2022 at 09:33:58 AM

Hello Cellulose Backers!

Two quick notes for you today:

First, Collector's Edition Backers should have received an email with their collector's number and a pair of PnP scenarios.  If you didn't get an email, shoot us a message and we'll make sure you get that.

Second, we're thrilled to announce that our next big project, First in Flight, is now live on Kickstarter. First in Flight is a deck-building, push-your-luck game designed by Ben Rosset and Matthew O'Malley, set in the historical context of early aviation. 

First in Flight feels to our team like a companion game to Cellulose, as the two went through development alongside each other during 2020-2021 by the same team. It took longer to get our final art style in place for First in Flight, but our artist Tomasz took on the project after finishing Cellulose, and it's ready to show off. We hope you'll check out the Kickstarter and join us for another great project.

Thanks again for your support!

Steve & The Genius Games Team

Cellulose Fulfillment Update - April
over 2 years ago – Tue, Apr 05, 2022 at 09:52:52 PM

Hi Cellulose Backers!

This looks to be our final fulfillment update, as Cellulose should be completely shipped to backers by the end of the week. Here are some updates on where we're at:

  • In the U.S., Canada, and Europe, everything has shipped and most have arrived. A few packages were later going out (especially add-ons in the US and Canada, and U.K. shipments), but all packages should be mailed and tracking sent. If you don't have your order by the end of next week, please reach out ([email protected]).
  •  Australia and New Zealand are finally shipping – look for tracking emails as these go out over the next few days, and they should be arriving soon. 
  • Again, for any broken or missing components, email [email protected], and we'll get you taken care of as soon as we can. (As a note, there should be more components than needed and multiplier tokens just in case. So you shouldn't have any issues if you're missing a single cube or token, but you're also welcome to get a replacement.)
  • We're still planning to email Collector's Edition backers about numbering. The current plan is to send "official" numbers out and include an extra scenario to print and play with. When we finish testing and art, we'll send this out. 

Once again, we hope you enjoy Cellulose, and we appreciate your comments, ratings, and questions on BGG, which can help others figure out if it's a good fit for them.

Thanks again for your support and enthusiasm. We've loved putting this game together (my first big co-design), and y'all have been great. You can follow us on Kickstarter and/or sign up for our newsletter to hear about our future games. The next big Genius release is likely to be a cooperative game about Immunology, and it's pretty cool :)

Steve & The Genius Games Team

Cellulose Fulfillment Begun + Questions
over 2 years ago – Sat, Mar 19, 2022 at 12:46:58 AM

Hi Cellulose Backers!

Fulfillment has begun in the U.S. and should begin soon elsewhere. Canada, Australia, New Zealand are all processed and submitted and will begin shipping as soon as it's our turn.  The EU shipment is scheduled to leave customs tomorrow and to be available to ship soon. U.K. orders may take a bit longer on the final leg of the journey.

Shipping and Unboxing FAQs

As you're waiting for and receiving your orders, here are some notes about the most common questions we've been getting or expect:

  • U.S. shipments are coming in multiple packages. Our fulfillment partner has stock at different locations and is fulfilling in ways we can't exactly predict. If you get an incomplete delivery, the rest is likely headed your way soon, don't worry. Everything should be shipped by the end of next week.
  • For any broken or missing components, email [email protected]. We'll get you taken care of as soon as we can. Do note that the Collector's Edition has a 2-piece insert with many pieces packaged inside and/or below the entire insert. 
  • The Collector's Editions were packaged in an extra cardboard box for more shipping protection. They apparently used misprinted sheets from other games as packaging material. Enjoy?
  • I use the CE insert tray compartments for Water, 6x Water, CO2, 6x CO2, Proteins, Hormones, Carbs, ATP, and "other multipliers." Carbs and ATP use the bigger spaces to fit comfortably. Side note: I'd love to hear your feedback on how the insert works for you. I often 3d-print inserts with removable resource trays for my games, and I like the way this one turned out. But, I know folks have different preferences here, and we want to do this again for future games if it's useful.
  • On CE Numbering, I'll follow up in the next couple weeks, probably by emailing CE backers directly. 

Playing Cellulose

Ryan from Nights Around a Table made an excellent How-to-Play video for Cellulose (his stop-motion rules videos are some of the very best around). If you'd rather learn Cellulose from a video, check it out below or scan the QR code on the box.

You can also find the rulebook on BGG. We included likely questions or corner cases on the Rules Clarifications page (p. 19), or you can ask anything on the BGG forums (preferred) or KS comments.

Obviously, we'd love to see your thoughts and comments on the game as you get a chance to play! Discussions and comments on BGG help others decide if it's a good game for them

That's it for now! We'll keep shipping updates coming until everything is out and send CE numbering emails in the coming weeks. Let us know if you have any questions.

Steve & The Genius Games Team

Cellulose Fulfillment Update - March
over 2 years ago – Mon, Mar 07, 2022 at 11:18:22 PM

Hi Cellulose Backers!

Today I'm checking in on fulfillment progress. We've had a couple things take longer than our earlier estimates — there's obviously some uncertainty in how these things play out — but we expect more things moving by next week in most regions. 

  • In the U.S., games are at the fulfillment center, waiting to be counted in. This has taken longer than we usually see, so we're hoping this will move this week. Our fulfillment manifests are ready to go and they should ship quickly after they have been processed in. 
  • The Canadian games have arrived for fulfillment. They'll begin shipping out as soon as it's our turn in the queue, likely next week. Canada has a shot at winning the fulfillment race!
  • The EU copies have been held up in customs. We're waiting on confirmation that they're moving again (I'll update in the comments). Fulfillment documents are ready, so Fulfillment Europe should be able to ship as soon as these are through. UK copies will be sent over from Germany, so they will take a bit longer.
  •  Australia and New Zealand copies were expected over the weekend, we're waiting to hear confirmation from VR. 

I'm hopeful we'll have most copies shipping in the next couple weeks. Thanks for your patience and we hope you'll be enjoying your games soon. I'll continue to post updates but feel free to request updates in the comments.

Steve & The Genius Games Team

Cellulose Fulfillment Update - February
over 2 years ago – Sun, Feb 06, 2022 at 11:19:37 PM

Hi Cellulose Backers!

We're almost there! U.S. copies have landed and are being processed, and the other 2 shipments are approaching their destinations. Here's the rundown:

  • U.S. copies made it smoothly through shipping, the port, customs, the railway, and the truck trip (whew!) — they're being processed at our receiving warehouse, then will be sent to the fulfillment center. We still expect this to start shipping at the end of the month.
  • Canada will receive copies from the U.S. This is still being arranged; they should begin fulfillment early March.
  • The EU shipment is on a boat that has made it through the Suez and making its way through the Mediterranean, near Tunisia and Italy. It had some delays departing but is now doing well, scheduled to arrive the last week of February. We expect these are ready to fulfill in the first week of March.
  • The Australia / New Zealand shipment is still in progress, expected to arrive mid-February, and likely to begin shipping in the last week of February.

We'll continue to keep you updated every few weeks until all copies have been fulfilled. As you're probably all used to at this point, our best estimates are at the mercy of lots of circumstances and could see delays for any number of reasons. 

Playing my first real-copy game with my daughter!

Collector's Edition Numbering

When we inspected the incoming U.S. shipment, we found a printing mistake: the Collector's Editions were not individually numbered at the factory. We receive and approve multiple samples throughout the production process, but the number-stamping happens after we approve the final production prints, so we didn't have a chance to catch this.

Lovely, Unstamped Badge

Our options to get these stamped now are not great. The 4000 Collector's Editions we printed are split across 4 locations around the world, sealed up, and in individual cases. It's technically possible to ship them all somewhere to be opened, stamped, and repackaged, but it would be extremely expensive and time-consuming. 

We have decided not to try to number them. We're asking for your understanding on this, as we just don't have a good option available, and anything we tried would be a trade-off as we add substantial delays at a high cost (as we're sure you've seen elsewhere, shipping has already been very expensive). We like numbering our limited prints, so we're disappointed, but this seems like our only realistic choice. (Perhaps John can hand number them at conventions and keep track as he goes.)

Now on Kickstarter: Kids Anatomy Puzzles

Last thing: we currently have a set of 3 giant 100-piece jigsaw puzzles on Kickstarter. This is a reprint of our Full Body puzzle from last year, with our new Brain and Heart kids puzzles. We've received early samples and approved them for printing, and expect the campaign to be fulfilled and released this summer. If you have kids or need gift ideas, these are some of the best products we've ever made. Check them out!

That's it for today. As I said, we'll continue to update every few weeks as we get into shipping.

Hope y'all are well,

Steve & The Genius Games Team