
Cellulose: A Plant Cell Biology Game

Created by Genius Games

Preorder Cellulose: A Plant Cell Biology Game Cellulose is a worker placement game that puts 1-5 players inside a plant cell, where they will compete over limited resources in order to undergo photosynthesis, produce carbohydrates, and build the cell wall to score points. With everyone vying for the same actions, players must time their use of proteins, hormones, and cell component cards in order to diversify their strategies and outplay the competition!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Cellulose Fulfillment Update - January
over 2 years ago – Mon, Jan 10, 2022 at 11:04:07 PM

Hi Cellulose Backers,

Today's update is to check in on shipping progress, as well as the last chance to update your shipping info! We're getting close!

Shipping Progress

At our last update (early December), games had been assembled and were waiting to be loaded onto 4 different container ships to be sent to fulfillment centers around the world. We've had some delays (as expected) but most things are moving along well for now. Here are regional specifics:

  • North American games headed for the Los Angeles port have nearly arrived, but these will have the largest possibility for congestion delays and are the biggest logistical challenge (as some 5,000 items need to be packaged and shipped). We generally estimate about 6 weeks to make it into fulfillment, so we're looking at late February if things go smoothly.
  • European games are finally at sea after a series of delays. They're estimated to arrive in late February, but should go quickly into fulfillment from there (about 2 weeks), so we're looking at early March.
  • Australia and New Zealand should have several pallets of games land in late January. Reaching end fulfillment centers will vary by region. Backers should receive their games throughout February.

We'll continue to post updates every month or so until fulfillment is complete.

Last Call for Addresses!

The pledge manager is closed for order adjustments, but address changes are still available through this Friday, January 14th. We'll need to lock BackerKit in order to prepare shipping manifests for our fulfillment partners. Please check your addresses if you've recently moved, either by finding your BackerKit Cellulose email or recovering your personalized login here.

Please let us know as soon as possible if you have any problems with this, or if you have any concerns about your pledge confirmation. Comment, message, or email [email protected] with any questions.

That's it for now! 

We hope y'all are staying safe and can be playing Cellulose soon!

Steve & The Genius Games Team

Cellulose Fulfillment Update - November / December
almost 3 years ago – Fri, Dec 10, 2021 at 04:27:09 AM

Hi Cellulose Backers!

I'm mostly writing just to check in again today, as we're still waiting for Cellulose to leave port headed for fulfillment centers . If you've followed the international shipping delays, you'll know that shipping container availability and port congestion have been contributing as much to the freight journey as actual travel time. The main shipments of Cellulose are still waiting to depart, and our timeline is mostly unchanged from last month: we expect games to deliver in February. As has been the case, we're still at the mercy of possible delays. (We had hoped Europe might arrive earlier, but it looks like February as well.)

We will lock delivery addresses in BackerKit within the next month or so.  So if you need to update your shipping information, please do so soon! 

Finally, we sent a few expedited copies out for reviews and learn-to-play resources, so look for those to start showing up on BGG and elsewhere. So far the Dice Tower has posted their unboxing and solo mode review (earning a solo mode "Seal of Excellence"!), and Ricky Royal has posted a solo playthrough.

That's it for today! We're excited for the next update to finally have your games in motion. 

Let us know if you have any questions or trouble getting shipping info updated.

Steve & The Genius Games Team

Cellulose Production Update - October
almost 3 years ago – Mon, Nov 01, 2021 at 11:26:21 AM

Hi Y'all!

Today's update is just a quick status check-in, as our timeline is basically the same as last month. Cellulose finished printing in mid-September and we received samples of the final production. We reviewed and approved these, and all games have now been assembled and packed up for shipping. 

We're currently waiting for the games to be loaded onto containers and shipped to destinations in the U.S., Germany, Australia, and China, where regional fulfillment will begin. This process and timeline will differ by location and shipping schedules. Our current best estimate is that fulfillment will begin in some places (Europe) in January and finish most places by the end of February. We'll have a better sense of that once the boats are moving, and will continue to keep you updated.

For now, you're still able to change addresses in BackerKit, probably through late December. Let us know if you have any questions, and we hope you're well!

Steve & The Genius Games Team

Production Samples Arrived!
almost 3 years ago – Mon, Sep 27, 2021 at 09:47:04 PM

Hello Cellulose Backers,

We received our first production copies of Cellulose! After years of design, development, art, and production work, it's incredibly gratifying to finally have production copies in hand. 

We're extremely happy with how everything has turned out. Most stuff obviously just matches our earlier samples, but there's always things we won't see in final form until the actual printing is complete. In this case, the printed colors look great, the CE Insert is sturdy and useful and holds everything well, and the ATP coins are dense and sharp. We couldn't be more pleased.

Collector's Edition Insert with Removable Resource Tray
CE Upgrades

Production & Shipping Timeline

All of the game components have been printed and produced, and the early copies were sent to us to approve before they finish assembling and packaging the games for shipping over the next couple weeks. 

Finalizing production has taken longer than we'd hoped. We are currently about 6 weeks behind our initial schedule. Our timeline has always included some extra padding to account for global shipping delays, but shipping has gotten worse since the campaign, not better. We are working to get games headed to fulfillment centers as quickly as possible, but we're pretty unlikely to begin fulfillment before the end of the year. We'll know more once the ocean shipments actually go out, and we will keep you updated.

Pledge Manager Closed, Address Changes Open

The pledge manager closed at the end of last month. You can still change your shipping address for another few months. If for some reason you backed for a copy of the game but didn't fill out the pledge manager, I've tried to reach out to you individually but get in touch and we'll get you taken care of ([email protected]).

That's it for today! Hope y'all are well.

Steve & The Genius Games Team

Cellulose Production Update - PLEDGE MANAGER LAST CALL!
about 3 years ago – Thu, Aug 19, 2021 at 10:47:58 PM

Hello Cellulose Backers!

Cellulose production is still in progress and proceeding well. We expect to have printing done by the end of the month. After that, games will be assembled and booked for shipping around the world - hopefully smoothly. As you may have seen, ocean freight has been somewhat unpredictable and quite expensive lately. This was accounted for in our estimated timeline, but is constantly changing. 

We recently received images of the wooden components for the game, and are very happy with how it looks so far!

Cellulose Wooden Components (Collector's Edition)

Pledge Manager Closes August 31

There are 12 days left to fill out the pledge manager. At the end of August, order selections will be locked in and BackerKit will charge credit cards for any add-ons or upgrades. You can still change your shipping address if you move, but you won't be able to change your order after that point, as the manufacturer will soon begin preparing games for shipment. 

You must fill out the pledge manager to receive a game! This is how we get your shipping information and confirm your order. If you backed the Kickstarter for a copy of Cellulose, please check that you've successfully completed the pledge manager. You can check your email for the "Survey Confirmation -- Cellulose" message or request a new survey here. If you have issues verifying this or need help, message us on Kickstarter or email us at [email protected].

Finally, if you originally backed for the Standard Edition and are considering the Collector's Edition, we have about 70 left unclaimed. It has the larger 6x wooden tokens for Water and CO2 (shown above), metal ATP coins, plant-shaped Plant Board Markers (shown above), and a nice insert with a removable tray for storing all those components: 

Collector's Edition Insert Tray (Not Final)

Jigsaw Puzzle Kickstarter Tuesday

Finally, we're launching a new Human Anatomy Jigsaw Puzzle Kickstarter on Tuesday. We've done a series of these puzzles (now available) in the past. They're done by a Certified Medical Illustrator, and we custom create the puzzle shapes to match the anatomy. If you're into puzzles at all, follow along and check them out!

That's it for today! Let us know if you have any issues with the pledge manager. We'll continue to keep you updated as we go!

Steve & The Genius Games Team